Monday, June 13, 2011


Our revised website has been launched and this blog is no longer being maintained. Visit for CHS news, events, information and beautiful photos.  

Attention CHS travelers: There is a change in the West Hartford departure point for all trips in June, July and August, 2011. The new departure point is Beth El Temple, 2626 Albany Ave., West Hartford (next to Moscarillo's Garden Shoppe). For questions, call Friendship Tours, 860.243.1630.

Attention advertisers:  A "Fall Marketplace" advertising section is planned for the September 2011 issue of the CHS Newsletter. Horticulture-related businesses may advertise their products and services, as space permits and with preference given to businesses that are Connecticut Horticultural Society members. About 900 garden-loving homes and businesses statewide receive the newsletter. Ad prices range from $25 to $90. Deadline for receiving digital copy is Aug. 1, 2011. Please e-mail Colleen Fitzpatrick Michelson for details: kalmia.editorial (at symbol)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Gardens Galore! CHS 2011 Garden Tour

The 2011 CHS Garden Tour continues in July with private gardens open for viewing in Wallingford and West Hartford and in East Otis, Mass. The cost of visiting CHS open gardens is $5 per garden per person. Buy tickets at the gardens or in advance from the CHS office, 2433 Main St., Rocky Hill, CT  06067. Cash or check only. Call 860-529-8713 for information.

      * Sat., July 16, Wallingfordgarden of Richard Howard (daylily hybridizer)
      * Sun., July 24, West Hartford gardens of Elizabeth Fitzpatrick; and Paula Mooney 
      * Sat., July 30, East Otis, Mass., garden of Anita Brucker
      * Sun., Aug. 21, gardens of Colleen Plimpton in Bethel; and Kathy Streit in Redding
      * Sun., Sept. 18, Norfolk garden of Mary Ann McGourty
      * September (date tbd), Farmington gardens of Lynn Cavo; and Steve Silk
      * Sun., Oct. 9, East Haddam garden of Lee May